Here at Mulamoottil Dental Clinic we offer ColgateTeeth whitening treatment With advances in whitening technology over the years. We have selected to use the only whitening product available on the market today that offers guarenteed results, Enlighten deep bleaching.

We offer Enlighten deep bleaching and the results that can be achived with this treatment can be seen in the before and after photos below. The results are guarenteed, predictable and this treatment causes minimal tooth sensitivity.

If you are considering teeth whitening treatment and would like to learn more about this revolutionary whitening treatment then call our practice on 09447219903 to book your FREE consultation at our teeth whitening clinic.


General Informations

Payment Options

We accept cash, card and online payments.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday 3pm - 7pm
Sunday Holiday

For Appointments
Contact +91 9447219903
Online, Telephone, & Email booking available

Appointment Scheduling

We understand that you have a busy schedule and recognise the need to provide an efficient service. We will make every effort to see you at your scheduled appointment time.
There will be no charge for changing your appointment provided that we are given at least 48 hours notice.

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