Practice Philosophy

Our dental team is dedicated to provide you with the very best quality in all aspects of dental care within a friendly and caring environment.

We place a high emphasis on prevention, patient awareness while building close relationships with our patients. Patient care and goodwill are extremely important to us. We work with you to help you achieve optimum dental health.

We are totally committed to Continue Dental Education Trainings and pride ourselves on our quality of care. We constantly invest in new equipment, materials and techniques to ensure the best possible care for your dental health. We follow International Standards in Sterilization.

About Teeth

Throughout your life, you will have two sets of teeth: primary (baby) teeth and secondary (permanent) teeth. At age 6-8 months, the primary teeth appear; all 20 are in place by age 3.

Permanent teeth will begin to grow around age 6, and except for wisdom teeth, are all present between ages 12 and 14. The next teeth to grow in are the 12-year molars and finally the wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth typically begin breaking through from age 17 and on. The total number of permanent teeth is 32, though few people have room for all 32 teeth. This is why wisdom teeth are usually removed.

Your front teeth are called incisors. The sharp "fang-like" teeth are canines. The next side teeth are referred to as pre-molars or bicuspids, and the back teeth are molars. Your permanent teeth are the ones you keep for life, so it is vital that they are brushed and flossed regularly and that periodic check-ups by a dentist are followed.

Our Team

Dr. Vinod Mathew Mulamoottil
Managing Director & Chief Dental Surgeon

Manju Vinod Mulamoottil
Director Administration

Dr. Jacob John
HOD Department of Orthodontics
Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences

Dr Rino Roopak
Associate Professor
Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences

Dr.Ravi Rajan
Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons
Associate Professor Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences

Dr Anil Samson


Dr Nevin Abraham


Dr Harisankaran U

Asst Professor
Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences

Dr Anandukrishnan

Asst Professor
Pushpagiri College of Dental Sciences

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